Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make Something EVERY Day?

It seems like every creative type vowed to "make something every day" as their 2011 New Year's resolution.  I feel like I'm not necessarily a creative type, just someone who happens to create things sometimes.  I also don't make New Year's resolutions.  They are too strongly identified with being destined for failure.  Change, to me, is continual, not episodic.  But I keep thinking about this.  Every day?  Weekends too?  Why can't I get this idea out of my head?

Maybe I already make something every day.  It may not be crafty.  It may not be for my Etsy shop.  I make decisions.  I make a kid's day brighter.  I make time for others.  Most days, I even make something concrete that you can hold in your hand (well, in some cases that might be messy). 

Yesterday...well, that's a tough one.  The closest I got to "making" something concrete was writing a cogent essay on why a child needs to keep getting the mental health treatment he's getting.  I made a list of volunteers who may be able to help with a project.  I edited a few photographs of my jewelry, which is kind of like making something, right?  It's a stretch, I know.  Monday, I made dinner from scratch.  It was this stew of lentils, mushrooms, and greens, and I thought it was pretty good.  That totally counts.  Sunday's another hard one.  I can't think of a single thing I generated on Sunday.  Saturday, I walked up a volcano.  It's only a little volcano, right in the middle of the city, but...um...I made it to the top.  I know, that's terrible.  Friday, I made a painting of a birthday cake in Crayola watercolors for a child (she made me a watercolor of a garden with flowers, a lawn, and a blanket so I can watch the fireworks she painted in the sky).  Since Friday, I've also been making new blood cells, since I donated when the Bloodmobile was at my office.

I think I partly need to remind myself that I generate things all the time.  Things of value, things I'm happy with.  Some days, I may need to put a little effort into creating something for the day.  And Sundays, maybe I just need to give myself permission to take a day off.


  1. I didnt make that resolution. Actually I didnt make any either. But creativity comes in bursts, I think. Somedays, I'll just stare at my materials, and others, I'll bust out 3 or 4 pendants. Although you were half joking, I like you stretching to say you created something! It helps me to remember that even when we dont feel like we're making anything, we kind of always are!



  2. Thanks for noticing, Dani! I appreciate you stopping by.
